Greek LifeIn the spirit of full disclosure I was in a fraternity in college.   I cannot imagine my college years without being in the fraternity and I am not sure who I would be today without it.  But I also realize that a lot of negatives come out of fraternities so I realize that membership has its issues.  One of those come into play in your job search.  Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to put your Greek associations on your resume:

Did you hold an office?  If you were one of the leaders in your organization then it may benefit you to list it on your resume.  If you were just a dues paying member, maybe not.

Do you have other examples of leadership?  Resumes are all about relevancy and recency.  If you can show the same KSAs in other ways you may want to leave it off.

Has it been a few years?  I you are like me and you have lived more years after college than you did before college then all of your college organizations loose relevancy and they are not very recent, you probably want to leave it off.

Research who you will be interviewing with.  If they were in a Greek organization, especially if it was yours, list it.  It may not be right but there is a certain bond that lingers long after graduation, use it to your advantage.

Just remember that Fraternities and Sororities have gotten a bad reputation.  But so have bankers and I don’t see people leaving that off their resume.


It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.
Benjamin Franklin