One thing that has become evident to me is that as Americans we value hard work more than results. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at a couple of examples… A locksmith shared his story: When he was an apprentice it would take him a long time to open...
I heard a great J. J. Watt quote from the Spartan Up! podcast: “Success isn’t owned, it’s leased and rent is due every day.” This is true in much of our lives including your job search. You must do something every day in your job search. Many...
I heard a quote the other day ” There is no homeostasis, you’re either growing or dying.” This rings truest if you are out of work or underemployed. Every day you are not working costs you. I am not trying to start a panic but you really do need to...
I heard a definition of success the other day that I really like… “Success happens when you realize that you have more than others.” Now I know that we ALWAYS want more and THAT is the problem. I read Ecclesiastes and I think “Sure,...
One thing that I have heard a lot about lately is authenticity. We want people to be authentic. The interview process is no different. To put it another way, you need others to perceive you as genuine. As an employer we want people to be authentic, but in a good...
In a recent Spartan Up! podcast they talked about how any interaction with another person is a two-way streak. You need to ask yourself “what do they value?” This is very important in the interview process. You need to put yourself in the recruiter or...
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