Never! You should always update your resume. As a recruiter I find it frustrating when I call someone that has applied for an opening only to find out that their resume is not updated. I could understand if I am cold calling them out of the blue or off some old...
With all the Star Wars hype going on Yoda is back in the mainstream. I am not sure that he ever left. His famous quote “No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” has been showing up again. Unfortunately Yoda had it wrong. There is winning and there...
This post started with a tweet from @hiringsocial and @FidelisPartners yesterday: “How to tackle those oddball interview questions.” My first reaction was why in the H-E double hockey sticks do people still ask these questions? I actually tweeted...
The main difference is the more you practice, the more authentic you will be and the closer the “role” is to the true you the more genuine you seem. Actors practice WHAT they say, HOW they say it and their BODY language. You need to do the same to prepare...
One thing that I have heard a lot about lately is authenticity. We want people to be authentic. The interview process is no different. To put it another way, you need others to perceive you as genuine. As an employer we want people to be authentic, but in a good...
In a recent Spartan Up! podcast they talked about how any interaction with another person is a two-way streak. You need to ask yourself “what do they value?” This is very important in the interview process. You need to put yourself in the recruiter or...
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