6 tips for listing your employment experience on your resume
Here are some basic tips for the experience section on your resume. First and foremost, don't lie. Employers may not be able to dig into your past too much by calling your past employers but we can almost always get your dates of employment and what position you...
Why you should use summary of qualifications on your resume
There are many ways to do a resume but there are two TRUTHs that you need to keep in mind when writing and reviewing your resume. A recruiter will look at a resume for 5 to 10 seconds We recruiters are a busy lot. Most recruiters handle 20 - 30 openings at a time and...
5 things you must get right on your resume
How many times have you heard "First things first?" But time and time again people mess things up from the beginning... their name. You may ask "how can someone screw that up?" Get your name right on your resume For some reason people often times put their full name...
Have you A/B tested your resume?
If you are not familiar with A B testing it is the latest way that companies determine which version of something people like more. Here is a brief description of A/B testing. It is being used EVERYWHERE! Why you need to A/B test your resume Resumes are tough. You...
Do you want to make a living or do you want to make a life?
You need to ask yourself a lot of questions when you start a job search. What have been my favorite jobs and why? What were my least favorite jobs and why? What are my KSAs and where can I use them? And the list goes on and on... One question I don't think we ask...
Prove something to yourself every day
Are you listening to any self-help or performance oriented podcasts? If so it won't be long before you will hear something about pushing your comfort zone. The challenge is, that if you do that long enough then you expanded your comfort zone. Then you need to push...