Interviews are a pain

Very few people like doing interviews.  This includes the hiring manager and the recruiter.  It sucks for everyone but most of all for the candidate.  As a candidate you are walking into a world where the rules are different and can change on a dime.  That being said,...

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When the real you comes out.

When the real you comes out. You may have heard the quote from Dave Barry: “If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person.”  This is especially true in the interview process.  A sales candidate just the other...

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When the real you comes out.

You may have heard the quote from Dave Barry: "If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person."  This is especially true in the interview process.  A sales candidate just the other day failed this test.  They were in their interview with...

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Are you the product or the customer?

Are you the product or the customer? Recruiting these days resembles sales more than it does HR.  If you are unemployed I am sure you might not care but you should. Recruiters sometimes just want to get a butt in the seat and they do not...

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Are you the product or the customer?

Recruiting these days resembles sales more than it does HR.  If you are unemployed I am sure you might not care but you should. Recruiters sometimes just want to get a butt in the seat and they do not care whose butt it is.  I am by no means saying that all or even...

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