No dates on jobs on resume? Seriously?
No dates on jobs on resume? Seriously? I rarely see this but it is worth mentioning. The other day I received a resume with no dates on it. Seriously, no dates of employment. Not even years! Did I mention we do drug test cause you must...
Resume skill section
About 30% of the resumes I see have a Skills section. This may be of benefit if they relate to the position you are applying for. Personally I like a Summary of Qualifications at the top of the page but that is my opinion. The main issue is that most people include...
Resume skill section
Resume skill section About 30% of the resumes I see have a Skills section. This may be of benefit if they relate to the position you are applying for. Personally I like a Summary of Qualifications at the top of the page but that is my...
Reading comprehension test
Reading comprehension test Please do not make your resume a reading comprehension test! Paragraphs are good in a cover letter and can be used sparingly in a resume but you really need to call out the important stuff, which usually means a...
Reading comprehension test
Please do not make your resume a reading comprehension test! Paragraphs are good in a cover letter and can be used sparingly in a resume but you really need to call out the important stuff, which usually means a bulleted list. For instance, take a look at the...
Create FOMO in your job search
One of the best things you can do is to create FOMO in anything you do, including your job search. Think of it as if you are pitching an Angel Investor on your start-up, you. Listen to this episode of StartUP from Gimlet. Many candidates are like Alex when he was...