Are you the product or the customer? Recruiting these days resembles sales more than it does HR. If you are unemployed I am sure you might not care but you should. Recruiters sometimes just want to get a butt in the seat and they do not care whose butt it is. I am...
If you are not part of the problem, then you can’t fix it Many people blame others for a lot of things. I am not saying that bad crap does not happen to good people. But you do need to look at trends. As a friend says “what is the common denominator?” If ALL of...
We recruit till the butt is in the seat There is one major difference between dating and the interview process… companies usually keep recruiting and interviewing candidates until there is a butt in the seat. I know this may seem a little dirty but I have been hosed...
Selling yourself I have mentioned it several times, you need to look at the job search like a sales person. You are the product and all you need to do if find a buyer. But like a good sales person, your product is not for every buyer. First, take an objective look...
Looking for a job? Be intentional. If you are currently unemployed then you need to treat your job search like a job. Not a part-time job, but like a full-time job. Are you REALLY putting in 40 hours a week? I know that sounds like a lot of time but you do NEED a...