Many articles declare that most people find new positions through networking. I totally agree that it is the best way to find a position but it is by no means the only way. Just like in dating… it is best if a friend introduces you to someone but if that is...
Most people love Fridays but for me they are often not a very happy day. Oh, don’t go feeling bad for me. Friday’s are not good days because that is usually the day we “wish people well in their future endeavors.” Or, to say it another way,...
I frequently have interviews with candidates that have a spotty work history. Six months here, two years here, a year and a half there, etc… I, unlike many other recruiters, still call those people. Why don’t many recruiters call candidates with work...
Like any dating situation, the relationship should be a match for both parties. Interviews are no different. I believe that if the position, like a relationship, is not a match for one person then it is not a match for both. We even tell people in our interviewing...
You have been putting yourself out there and you have not had any luck. You only get the “don’t call us, we’ll call you” line or you are not getting past a first phone interview. What should you do? Step back and re-evaluate. Look at it this...
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