I was reading a blog post the other day and it gave some great advice! Change the file name of your cover letter and resume to match the position you are applying for. By now you know that you need to rework your resume and cover letter for each job, right? You DO...
For many people interviews, well… they suck. It is like a first date and many of them are blind dates because they may be with a person you have never met before. I have noticed that most people fall into one of a few categories: Nervous Nelly – This...
Many people talk about dressing for success. It is much easier to talk about how many candidates dress for failure. Let’s say you were going on a date. How would you dress? Would you say “hey, I like wearing these tattered shorts and this t-shirt from...
I think candidates deserve certain things: To be notified if they will or will not be pursued as an applicant for the position. How would you like it if you ask someone out and they say “I’ll let you know if I am interested?” A realistic job...
At the end of the day recruiting is really about getting the right butt in the right seat. But along the way the waters get muddy. Isn’t that the way courting works? Some people actually date in hopes of finding a spouse. Crazy, I know. But along the way you...