If you are a candidate you might think that it does not matter to you whether or not our ATS (applicant tracking system) works well. Guess what? It should matter to you because if you don’t understand ATSs then you don’t think like a recruiter. First,...
If you know the rules of the game you can leverage them to your advantage. One rule is that first impressions count so use that to your advantage. If that is true then when does the first impression start? It may start with your social profiles, or your resume, or...
You may already know this… some jobs are posted for a VERY limited time. One contract recruiting gig I had in the past included such positions. These positions were in such high demand that I would only post them for 24 hours or less than I would take them...
I need to first come clean… I NEVER send thank you noted, except for interviews. I have even told people, if you expect a thank you note for giving me a gift, then don’t give it. I know it sounds selfish and arrogant but for some reason, I don’t do...