How to handle the job offer

Usually, you will be offered the position over the phone.  Hopefully you have had a compensation discussion before this point.  I like to think that most recruiters / hiring managers want to give people a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.  I have...

The break up call

We have all gotten it, the break up call.  When it comes from a recruiter it is more likely a Dear John letter/email.  My rule of thumb is that if you make it to the final round of interviews I call.  I try to call if you make it to the Manager but that does not...

Update calls from the recruiter

If you are interviewing with a company you want to be sure you know what the process is.  Think of it as sales.  No good sales person ends an appointment without scheduling the next one or a day and time to follow-up.  The interview process should be the same.  When...

I called because you contacted me

I talk on the phone A LOT!  So much so that I do not like talking on the phone outside of work.  I am also a bit judgmental of how others speak and act on the phone since I do it so often.  OK, maybe I am a bit too picky, but when you are trying to get a job the...

The warm call from a recruiter

Yeah, I’ve done it.  I have called people and told them “I was referred to you by someone on a confidential basis for a position I am recruiting for…”  and I believe that most of the time that was true.  But I also know that I have gotten names...