Prove something to yourself every day

Are you listening to any self-help or performance oriented podcasts?  If so it won’t be long before you will hear something about pushing your comfort zone.  The challenge is, that if you do that long enough then you expanded your comfort zone.  Then you need to...

Science proves Proverbs 11:25 is true

Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. If you have not listened to Shankar Vedantam’s podcast HiddenBrain then you are missing out.  One of the episodes is on compassion and how being kind to others can make a...

What do companies and people value?

One thing that has become evident to me is that as Americans we value hard work more than results.  Don’t believe me?  Let’s look at a couple of examples… A locksmith shared his story:  When he was an apprentice it would take him a long time to open...

Success isn’t owned

I heard a great J. J. Watt quote from the Spartan Up! podcast: “Success isn’t owned, it’s leased and rent is due every day.”  This is true in much of our lives including your job search.  You must do something every day in your job search. Many...

There is no homeostasis in life, including your job search

I heard a quote the other day ” There is no homeostasis, you’re either growing or dying.”  This rings truest if you are out of work or underemployed.  Every day you are not working costs you. I am not trying to start a panic but you really do need to...