I am constantly flummoxed by people and how they handle phone calls. I am not sure their handling of phone calls is due to not being self-aware, more communication being by text, or if they are just as think as I dumb they are. There are a few different calls that...
Phone interviews – the basics When you have a phone interview what you say matters a lot but so does everything else. I have had my share of bad phone interviews and they are easy to avoid. Here are some tips to follow before your next phone interview. Find a quiet...
When you have a phone interview what you say matters a lot but so does everything else. I have had my share of bad phone interviews and they are easy to avoid. Here are some tips to follow before your next phone interview. Find a quiet place where you don’t...
Wait a minute, that was an illegal question. I saw a post online the other day about illegal interview questions. Many times if an interviewer asks an illegal question it is from their ignorance or for a “valid” reason, they just did not ask it correctly. Are you...
I saw a post online the other day about illegal interview questions. Many times if an interviewer asks an illegal question it is from their ignorance or for a “valid” reason, they just did not ask it correctly. Are you married? They are probably just...
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