No dates on jobs on resume? Seriously? I rarely see this but it is worth mentioning. The other day I received a resume with no dates on it. Seriously, no dates of employment. Not even years! Did I mention we do drug test cause you must be HIGH if you think I will...
About 30% of the resumes I see have a Skills section. This may be of benefit if they relate to the position you are applying for. Personally I like a Summary of Qualifications at the top of the page but that is my opinion. The main issue is that most people include...
Resume skill section About 30% of the resumes I see have a Skills section. This may be of benefit if they relate to the position you are applying for. Personally I like a Summary of Qualifications at the top of the page but that is my opinion. The main issue is that...
Reading comprehension test Please do not make your resume a reading comprehension test! Paragraphs are good in a cover letter and can be used sparingly in a resume but you really need to call out the important stuff, which usually means a bulleted list. For...
Please do not make your resume a reading comprehension test! Paragraphs are good in a cover letter and can be used sparingly in a resume but you really need to call out the important stuff, which usually means a bulleted list. For instance, take a look at the...
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